dicembre 27, 2008

Rilasciata una versione molto attesa del kernel Linux, la 2.6.28

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Tra le tante novità:
  • GEM GPU memory manager che potrebbe essere l'inizio di una nuova era per la gestione delle schede video.
  • Novità per la gestione della memoria
  • Support for "Ultra Wide Band" (UWB), Wireless USB and UWB-IP
  • Introduzione del filesystem EXT4.
  • Disk Shock Protection
Abbonati ora a SKY

Summary: Linux 2.6.28 adds the first version of Ext4 as a stable filesystem, the much-expected GPU memory manager which will be the foundation of a renewed graphic stack, support for Ultra Wide Band (Wireless USB, UWB-IP), memory management scalability and performance improvements, a boot tracer, disk shock protection, the phonet network protocol, support of SSD discard requests, transparent proxy support, several new network drivers, controlable IO CPU affinity, high-resolution poll()/select(), support of a minimal "dummy" policy in SELinux, tracing improvements, x86 x2APIC support, a fb driver for VIA UniChrome devices, Mitac Mio A701 ARM-based smartphone support, some new drivers, improved device support, and many other small improvements and fixes.

Protocol Location
HTTP http://www.kernel.org/pub/
FTP ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/
RSYNC rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/
The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2.6.28 2008-12-24 23:45 UTC F V VI C Changelog
The latest 2.4 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.4.37 2008-12-02 08:13 UTC F V VI C Changelog
The latest 2.2 version of the Linux kernel is: 2.2.26 2004-02-25 00:28 UTC F V

The latest prepatch for the 2.2 Linux kernel tree is: 2.2.27-rc2 2005-01-12 23:55 UTC B V VI
The latest -mm patch to the stable Linux kernels is: 2.6.28-rc2-mm1 2008-10-29 06:29 UTC

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