ottobre 29, 2014

Ubuntu 14.10”Utopic Unicorn” rilasciato ufficialmente, download, derivate e novità.

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Come al solito oltre alla classica release principale che riguarda proprio il rilascio di Ubuntu 14.10, sono state rilasciate ufficialmente anche tutte le altre derivate che abbiamo imparato a conoscere con il tempo, ovvero: Xubuntu 14.10, Kubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu GNOME e infine Lubuntu.

Ognuno ha una particolare versione della gestione desktop, che cambia da release a release e che permette senza problemi di personalizzare al massimo l’esperienza utente.

Canonical con questa nuova versione di Ubuntu ha pensato proprio alla stabilità, infatti quest’Ubuntu 14.10 permette in primis di godere di poche novità grafiche, ma con tantissimi bugfix, che appunto permettono di avere una stabilità migliore rispetto alla precedente versione.

Cosa molto importante riguarda proprio il fatto che è stato aggiornato il kernel che passa alla versione 3.16, questo significa che ci sono tantissime novità, sopratutto riguardanti proprio il supporto a nuove tecnologie che sono state rilasciate nel corso di questi mesi, uno fra tutti riguarda proprio Nvidia Optimus.


Ubuntu 14.10, porta con se un nuovo ed innovativo browser, il quale prende il nome di Ubuntu Web Browser, il quale  ricordiamo utilizza un motore differente rispetto agli altri browser, parliamo del motore Oxide rispetto all’ormai classico WebKit e sopratutto lo abbiamo già visto in azione, per chi ha potuto, sul nuovo Ubuntu Touch.

Rilasciati tutti gli aggiornamenti dedicati alla suite Libreoffice che passa alla versione 4.3.2, update anche per il browser Mozilla Firefox che arriva alla versione 32.

Queste diciamo sono le modifiche strutturali più importanti che renderanno questa nuova release di Ubuntu, molto più stabile rispetto ad Ubuntu 14.04, permettendo quindi di rafforzare la base portante di tutto il sistema operativo.

Download Ubuntu 14.10

Come sempre potrete tranquillamente aggiornare a questa release provenendo da una versione precedente, tuttavia se non avete mai installato una release similare, potrete effettuare il download dell’immagine ISO e installare il tutto tramite penna USB.

Tutti i download via Distrowatch:

Distribution Release: Ubuntu 14.10

Canonical has announced the release of Ubuntu 14.10, the latest version of the popular Linux distribution for desktops and servers: "Ubuntu 14.10, the latest desktop release is today available for download from Canonical. This release focuses on the developer experience, overall quality, and brings a number of important features and security enhancements. The Ubuntu desktop continues to be intuitive, easy to use and reliable for users all over the world. Ubuntu is a popular choice for developers targeting the cloud, mobile or devices because it is easy to use, fast and secure. Ubuntu 14.10 introduces the first iteration of the Ubuntu Developer Tools Centre, which makes it even easier to develop on Ubuntu. It downloads all the Android toolkits and their dependencies and integrates them with the launcher in a single command. This is first available for Android and will soon extend to other platforms such as Go and Dart." Read the official press release and the comprehensive release notes for more information. Download (SHA256, pkglist): ubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (1,109MB, torrent), ubuntu-14.10-server-amd64.iso (582MB, torrent).

Distribution Release: Xubuntu 14.10

Xubuntu 14.10 has been released. Xubuntu is a desktop Linux distribution focusing on usability and performance through its classic Xfce desktop. From the release announcement: "The Xubuntu team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Xubuntu 14.10. To celebrate the 14.10 code name 'Utopic Unicorn' and to demonstrate the easy customisability of Xubuntu, highlight colors have been turned pink for this release. You can easily revert this change by using the theme configuration application under the Settings Manager; simply turn Custom Highlight Colors 'Off' and click 'Apply'. Of course, if you wish, you can change the highlight color to something you like better than the default blue. Starting with Xubuntu 14.10, you should use pkexec instead of gksudo for running graphical applications with root access from the terminal for improved security." See also the release notes for a full changelog and a list of known issues. Download: xubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (979MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist).

Distribution Release: Ubuntu Kylin 14.10

Ubuntu Kylin is a special edition of Ubuntu tailored to Chinese speakers in mainland China. As has been the tradition over the past couple of years, a new version of Ubuntu Kylin has been released at the same time as Ubuntu 14.10: "We are glad to announce the final release of Ubuntu Kylin 14.10. In this release, we have improved system stability and have added more new features, which deliver a better user experience. The Linux kernel has been updated to version 3.16 based on the 3.16.3 upstream version. Unity is version 7.3.1. In this release Ubuntu Kylin Software Center has been upgraded to version 1.1.3. Also updated: Youker Assistant 1.3.1, Youker Weather 2.1.2, Youker Calendar 1.0.0, Youker Fcitx 1.0.0, Sogou IM 1.1.0, Kuaipan 2.0.0 and Wiznote 2.1.12. Meanwhile, we have done lots of optimization and enhancement for you, with new slideshow and new wallpapers from 14.10 the wallpaper contest." Here is the very brief release announcement, with further information delegated to the release notes. Download from here: ubuntukylin-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (1,312MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist).

Distribution Release: Lubuntu 14.10

Mario Behling has announced the release of Lubuntu 14.10, a new version of this lightweight variant of Ubuntu with a minimalist LXDE desktop and a selection of lightweight applications: "A new version of our operating system has been released. You won't notice many cosmetic changes, as this version is considered as a bug-fix release, preparing the way to meet LXQt. Here are some changes: general bug-fix release as we prepare for LXQt; many LXDE components have been updated with bug-fix releases; an update of the artwork (more icons, theme update, more compatibilities); the Ubuntu 14.10 release with 3.16-based kernel; Firefox is updated to version 33; GTK+ updated to version 3.12; X.Org 1.16 has better support for non-PCI devices." Here is the brief release announcement, with further details and important known issues provided in the release notes. Download: lubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (702MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist).

Distribution Release: Kubuntu 14.10

Kubuntu 14.10, the latest version of the Ubuntu variant made for fans of the KDE desktop, is out: "Kubuntu 14.10 is available for upgrade or install. It comes in two flavours, the stable Plasma 4 running the desktop we know from previous releases, and a tech preview of the next generation Plasma 5 for early adopters. Plasma 4 is our recommended stable offering and what you get from the default download, but is now in maintenance mode. It runs the software you are familiar with and will be getting updates and bugfixes but not new features from now on. Plasma 5, the next generation of KDE Software is still a work in progress. You can test it and install it from the Kubuntu Plasma 5 image but beware it will remove your stable software. We love testers but no support is offered. If there are problems you may need to reinstall to revert back to Plasma 4." Read the rest of the release announcement for a full list of features and screenshots. Download links: kubuntu-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (1,017MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist), kubuntu-plasma5-14.10-desktop-amd64.iso (1,176MB, SHA256).

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