gennaio 15, 2008

NasBackup, soluzione di backup open source altamente configurable e facile da installare

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NasBackup è una soluzione di backup open source, altamente configurabile e facile da installare e mantenere.

NasBackup è scritto in Perl ed esegue il backup dei dati tramite il protocollo rsync.

E 'robusta, affidabile, ben documentata e liberamente disponibile come Open Source.

From NasBackup

NasBackup is an open source backup solution. It is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up MS Windows desktop PCs, laptops and servers to network disks. NasBackup is a highly configurable solution and easy to install and maintain.
NasBackup is a backup solution that can replace traditional tape backup. The information is backed up to network storage using the rsync utility in a way that only the file differences are sent over the network.
NasBackup was designed to be easy to use for the end desktop user, yet scalable to backup enterprise servers. The NasBackup client Windows GUI is easy to maintain and use by end user. Other backup solutions based on rsync are more complicated and have no GUI interface.

We had the end user in mind while designing NasBackup. The implementation is very easy to adopt by the end user, including clear and simple backup settings, backup log status report, etc. Still, NasBackup is scales well to backup enterprise servers including SQL and Exchange databases etc.
Given the ever decreasing cost of disks, it is now practical and cost effective to backup a large number of machines onto a server's local disk or network storage. This is what NasBackup does. For some sites, this might be the complete backup solution. For other sites, additional permanent archives could be created by periodically backing up the server to tape.
Disk usage example: 100 laptops with a full backup averaging 2GB each, and daily difference 20Mb. Storing three weekly full backups per laptop is around 4200GB of raw data, but because incremental backups and compression are used only 120GB is needed. Here is the calculation: 1st day 1 GB of compressed data * 100 laptop is 100 GB. The rest 20 day * 100 laptop * 10 Mb of compressed data is 20 GB. It comes to a total of 120 GB!
Client Features
Features available on the Client side for the end user and the backup administrator:
  • GUI backup setup and schedule.
  • GUI online backup progress and final status.
  • File backup failure - online alert. An open file causes failure, NasBackup will pause for a while allowing the user to close the open file.
  • Option to compress the backup files.
  • Option to encrypt the backup files.
  • Option to backup locked files like Outlook PST by automatically closing the application at backup time.
  • Easy integration of other utilities during the backup procedure like internet dialer, registry backup etc.
  • Allows selection of any folders on local or network-mapped drives at the click of the mouse.
  • Firewall Friendly, Can be configured to use port 80.
  • Fast. Based on Rsync, the fastest incremental file transfer program available, either open source or commercial. Only the differences between files and directories are transferred between local folders and their corresponding remote mirrors.
  • Scalable. Based on Rsync can mirror directories of any size without degradation of performance.
  • No client-side software is needed for restore. Standards protocols are used : http/s, ftp, smb, etc.
Server Features
Features available on the Server side for the Backup administrator:
  • Control of each client's backup files version limit.
  • Control of each client's backup files old versions expiration date.
  • entral daily/periodic summary report via email. Shortcut from the report to the full log of the failed client
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