Ardour è un programma di registrazione ed elaborazione audio professionale Open Source, rilasciato sotto la licenza GNU General Public License che non ha nulla da invidiare alle controparti commerciali.
Attualmente funziona su Linux, Solaris, e Mac OS X. Consente la registrazione multitraccia in realtime.
L'autore e principale sviluppatore è Paul Davis, autore anche del software JACK Audio Connection Kit.
Aggiornamento al 20/11/2009. Ultima versione stabilerilasciata: 2.8.4 (14/11/2009).
La seguente lista è solo una panoramica delle caratteristiche di Ardour e include solo le essenziali. La spiegazione di tutte le sue caratteristiche non è lo scopo di quest'articolo.
Le capacità di registrazione di Ardour sono limitate solo dall'hardware su cui è installato. Non ci sono limitazioni software, più la capacità dell'hardware è alta, più Ardour sarà in grado di registrare. Se l'hardware non è dei più potenti ardour riconosce automaticamente le zone in cui viene risentita la latenza e corregge automaticamente gli errori posizionando la registrazione dove avrebbe dovuto essere senza latenza.
Ardour rende disponibili infinite tracce e bus, ovviamente anche in questo caso il limite è dato solo dall'hardware in uso. I parametri di gain, pan e plugin possono essere completamente automatizzati. I dati campione sono mixati e mantenuti interamente in 32 bit per la massima fedeltà della definizione sonora.
Ardour supporta il drag, il trim, lo split e il timestretching alle zone registrate con risoluzione sample-level. Un crossfade editor versatile e una beat machine sono inclusi in Ardour. Con Ardour è possibile effettuare infiniti "undo/redo", e ha anche la caratteristica "snapshot", per salvare lo stato corrente del progetto.
Ardour può essere usato come ambiente di masterizzazione e finalizzazione. La sua integrazione con JACK rende possibile l'utilizzo di strumenti di mastering come JAMin per il processo dei dati audio. Ardour può anche esportare in formato TOC e CUE, che permettono la creazione di CD audio.
Ardour supporta frequenze di campionamento digitale differenti legate alla misura della capacità dell'hardware, agli input ed output e al numero differente di formati di file. MMC (MIDI Machine Control) e le superfici dei controlli MIDI generici possono essere usati per controllare e mixare anche manualmente, o automaticamente.
Novità nell'ltima versione stabile rilasciata: 2.8.4 (14/11/2009) e changelog delle releases anteriori:
- Unlimited audio tracks and buses
- Non-destructive, non-linear editing with unlimited undo
- Anything-to-anywhere signal routing
- Unlimited pre- and post-fader plugins
- 32 bit floating point audio path
- Automatic track delay compensation
- Sample accurate automation
- Standard file formats (BWF, WAV, WAV64, AIFF, CAF & more ...)
- Full AudioUnit plugin support on OS X
- More than 200 LADSPA & LV2 plugins freely available
- Support for Windows VST plugins available
- MIDI CC control with 1 click
- Level 2 MIDI Machine Control
- MIDI Timecode (MTC) Master or Slave
- Full integration with all JACK applications
- Video-synced playback, pull up/pull down
Brand New Features not present in previous minor releases (2.0.1-2.0.5)
- new import dialog
- better auditioning
- better presentation of options
- resampling quality control
- new JACK control dialog
- if you don't want to use qjackctl and don't require and external JACK patcher (i.e. "Let me just run Ardour, dammit!") this dialog will allow you to configure JACK. It only appears (as a tab in the new session dialog) if JACK is not running when Ardour is started.
- mouse scrubbing
- switch to mouse audition mode
- button1-press and drag
- separate MMC device ID's for send & receive
- range context menus modified for greater clarity and simplicity
- crossfades involving transparent regions now work appropriately
- click or drag in rulers works better
- update click data when sample rate changes
- provide limits to in-memory undo history depth
- provide limits to saved undo history depth
- optionally tie editor & mixer display order together
- provide GUI control for timecode-slave-is-synced
- make Ctrl-w close any dialog
- generate peakfiles for embedded files asynchronously
- metering now works more appropriately with no inputs
- big clock is always on top
- reduce memory usage during I/O from multichannel audio files
- change window visibility during startup
- use new translation domains, to avoid ardour 0.99 and ardour 2.X from colliding when installed in parallel
- new option (only-copy-imports) to avoid creating sessions that reference external audio files (i.e. all audio is either native, copied or hard-linked into the session)
- retain MIDI control information for plugin parameters
- auto-reconnect ALSA sequencer MIDI ports at startup
- add Theme Manager, including new "light" theme
- support for 16 bit native file format
- add delta-cursor option from trunk (allows clock to display the gap between the edit+playback cursors)
- massively increase automation resolution
- stop audio clocks from vanishing when turned off
- plugin selection dialog now has filtering by name, type, author and more
- permit GUI user-driven add/remove of MIDI ports
- alternate file name filters for the soundfile browser (allow user to see all files, not just guesses at audio files)
- switch monitoring default to external
- add declicking xfades when looping
- new denormal handling options, including both DC bias and processor feature choices
- Added/improved the ability to record while the transport is looping. This works for both Internal (seamless) and JACK sync, new regions are created each cycle around the loop and stacked on top of each other. It is recommended for now that automatic crossfades be turned off when doing this. Punch-In/Out may be used also.
- added basic support for the Griffin Powermate "big knob+button" controller (Linux only, for now).
- avoid multiple backups of 0.99 session states
- numerous fixes for Mackie Control support, including throttling its MIDI output
- don't confuse physical JACK MIDI ports with audio ones
- fix crash when using mouse-button + keyboard-key combinations
- fix crash when starting Ardour on Linux without the ALSA sequencer loaded
- fix for transparent active region gain line PLEASE REMOVE YOUR ~/.ardour2/ardour2_ui.conf FILE
- fix crash on OS X when auditioning
- general fix for LADSPA plugins that are sensitive to the ordering of activate/deactivate calls (e.g. TAP Echo)
- button2 clicks on redirects now ignore NumLock
- fix naming error for peakfiles that caused multichannel regions to show duplicated waveforms in the GUI
- fix for crash in OSC thread when it generated an error/warning message
- code builds on OS X and older Linux systems (side-effect: reduced memory utilization by automation data)
- font sizes parametized (to allow easier maintainance of themes) on OSX & Linux
- crash revealed by GTK+ 2.11 (unstable new version of GTK) fixed
- protect ardour from sessions with errant capture sources stored in the (pending) session state. This was a major bug that has affected many people over the last several releases. It is now fixed.
- fix for radio grouping of subframes menu options
- fix crossfade editor-induced crashing
- safeguard against false disk underruns when punching in
- correctly save user-modified keybindings to ~/.ardour2/ardour.bindings
- correct middle button bindings on redirect names
- fix use of .ardour rather than .ardour2 for VST presets
- correct problems with redirect/insert dialogs being invisible
- correctly manage video sync state
- allow L and R as possible audio file suffixes
- allow middle-click pasting in several dialogs
- fix diskstream deletion crash after track removal
- fix crashes caused by clicking in region list when there is no associated region for that line
- better default buttons+icons for crossfade editor
- move clock modes from submenu to top level
- stop undo/redo from duplicating plugins and more
- fix audio clock keypress/release handling
- fix most problems with dragging close to 2^32-1 samples
- crossfade editor usability improvements
- fix for crash on ctrl-middle click in regions
- fixed the stuttering/stuck problem when looping with JACK sync
- fixed gui bug that prevented record-disable when latch record option is on
- fixed issue where it would rec-enable unnecessarily when passing through the punch-out point
- fixed corner case in diskstream record length (that no one would ever notice)
- Fix crash bug when loading a new session into an existing Ardour instance
- Fix crash bug #1637, occuring when using Ctrl-drag to copy regions
- Fix naming-related issue when adding multiple busses at the same time
- On OS X, explicitly check for X11 and JACK, and if missing post a dialog before exiting
- Fix problems on OS X when the Ardour application was installed somewhere beneath a folder containing a space in the name. This (amazingly) appears to the user by showing all text as black blocks.
- Make sure plugin GUI's appear on top of the editor and other windows
- Enable clicks on plugins/inserts/send names to work even when numlock is engaged.
La pagina di GetDeb per scaricare la versione per Intrepid Ibex
Ecco le novità:
- option to preserve formants when stretching/shifting
- new option to control whether newly added plugins are active or not, enabled by default
- copy sends as well as plugins when doing copy/paste operations in the mixer strip
- copy send I/O configurations when copying sends
- remove height buttons from automation tracks
- new option to do cubase-style solo-overrides mute (off by default)
- ardour-build plugin GUIs are now "taller" rather than "wider"
- insert-time operation can now move markers too
- double-click on plugin/send/insert boxes now brings up plugin manager
- handle an instant.xml file (GUI state) that has been modified by ardour 3.0 (without crashing)
- shorten coreaudio's format text strings
- creating ranges from region selections now offers two different options: create 1 range spanning all selected regions, or create 1 range per selected region.
- fix OS X display of startup message about missing JACK
- actually delete commands from undo history when limiting depth of the history list. this fixes a massive memory leak in ardour when working with lots of regions and/or lots of edits.
- MAJOR fix for any situation where an audio track is playing more channels than it has output ports. triggered by a report about playing an 8-chn AIFF file via the auditioner
- set up folder/directory name correctly for range export
- drastically improve handling of Drag-n-Drop internally, avoiding memory leaks and potential memory corruption
- when using a top menubar (as on OS X), don't quit when the editor window is closed.
- prevent lockup/hangs when caused by editing a track name and then resizing so that the track name entry field is hidden
- select objects when clicking on them in region gain mouse mode, so that subsequent operations do not operate on unexpected objects.
- don't duplicate LADSPA plugins in plugin manager list
- items in region context menus that need a position (e.g. split) are desensitized if the edit point is "mouse", to avoid odd behaviour.
- fix a bug that made certain prompt windows potentially able to cause crashes
- make panner changes propagate into the panner GUIs even when the number of streams being handled is reduced
- do not crash in an xrun handler when there is no session
- lots of Session members now initialized in constructor, rather than being left to chance
- correct control surface track indexing (fixes a crash when using Tranzport and others to go to "next" or "prev" track)
- MTC message delivered internally when handling an MMC locate now contains correct FPS value, avoiding stupid error message from showing up.
- compile correctly even with NLS=0
- track names are now visible even with the "light" theme
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