aprile 17, 2014

Tutte le versioni di Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Tahr” e derivate: istruzioni per il download e l’aggiornamento.

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Con l’uscita di una nuova release gli utenti si trovano davanti ad un enorme dilemma: aggiornare il proprio computer al nuovo rilascio per provare le ultimissime feature o rimanere cauti aspettando i primi bugfix continuando ad usare la vecchia release disponibile? Molti, avendo la fortuna di poter disporre di più computer o di un pc abbastanza potente e performante per poter far uso della virtualizzazione, non si porranno questo problema e procederanno subito all’aggiornamento. Questo breve articolo vi aiuterà ad effettuare l’upgrade del vostro computer nel modo più indolore possibile.

Le due vie percorribili sono le seguenti:

La prima è il download delle immagini ISO con masterizzazione del DVD (o “fabbricazione” di una pendrive) e successiva installazione tramite Live CD. Qualora i mirror siano sovraccarichi, o non vogliate servirvi di un CD, potrete optare per l’upgrade del vostro sistema pre-esistente tramite i seguenti comandi:

  • Assicuratevi che il vostro sistema sia aggiornato: “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Eseguite il vero e proprio passaggio di versione: “sudo update-manager -d

ubuntu trusty

Il comando sopra-citato (“update-manager -d”) sarà pienamente funzionante qualora la release che state utilizzando sul vostro computer sia esattamente quella precedente (Ubuntu 13.04) al rilascio odierno (Ubuntu 13.10). È generalmente sconsigliato eseguire l’upgrade tra due rilasci non consecutivi nel tempo per evitare problemi durante l’aggiornamento che potrebbero rendere il vostro pc instabile od addirittura non funzionante.

Qualora, quindi, stiate utilizzando un rilascio precedente ad Ubuntu 13.04 e siete desiderosi di aggiornare il vostro sistema, la procedura consigliata è sicuramente quella di una fresh re-install ponendo la necessaria attenzione ad eseguire i backup dei dati più importanti.

La nuova distribuzione Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Thar” avrà un supporto che durerà ben cinque anni.

Ubuntu 14.04 rappresenta la miglior soluzione che permetterà di avere questa integrazione tra smartphone, tablet e PC che si attendeva da molto tempo fra tutti i vari device che abbiamo a disposizione al giorno d’oggi.

Abbiamo diverse novità riguardanti anche la grafica di questo nuovo aggiornamento, infatti il team di Canonical ha lavorato moltissimo anche su questo fattore, aumentando la compatibilità con schermi ad alta definizione, ma questo è solo un piccolo assaggio.

Tuttavia ricordiamo che abbiamo a disposizione il classico ambiente desktop predefinito, che prende il nome di Unity, il quale è il fiore all’occhiello di Canonical, ottimizzato a livelli mai visti fino ad ora, permettendo di avere un’esperienza utente davvero eccezionale.


trusty tahr

Version 14.04 of Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution with a highly customised user interface called Unity, has been released. This is a version with long-term (5 years) of security support and a convenient upgrade path from the previous release with long-term support features (version 12.04). From the press release: "Canonical announces the latest Ubuntu release, 14.04 LTS desktop will be available for download from the 17th April 2014. The long-term support (LTS) release is supported and maintained by Canonical for five years, making it the most stable, reliable, secure and cost-effective desktop for long-term, large scale deployments within enterprise and public sector organisations today." Read the comprehensive release notes for a detailed description of new features and known issues. Download (SHA256) links: ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (964MB, torrent), ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso (564MB, torrent).

lubuntu 14.04

Mario Behling has announced the release of Lubuntu 14.04, a lightweight variant of Ubuntu that provides the minimalist LXDE desktop and a selection of light applications: "Julien Lavergne has released Lubuntu 14.04. Features: based on the lightweight LXDE desktop environment; PCManFM, a fast and lightweight files manager using GIO/GVFS; Openbox, a fast and extensible default window manager of LXDE; LightDM, a simple GTK+ greeter; Firefox, the famous web browser; based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Improvements since Lubuntu 13.10: LTS Support (3 years); new PCManFM (version 1.2.0) with a lot of new features (folder settings, dual-pane view, menu editing); new LXSession default applications with a new user interface; an update of the artwork (new icons, theme update)." See the release announcement and release notes for more information. Download: lubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (694MB, SHA256, torrent).


Ali Jawad has announced the release of Ubuntu GNOME 14.04, the latest update of this official Ubuntu flavour featuring the vanilla GNOME 3.10 desktop: "The Ubuntu GNOME team is proud and happy to announce the release of Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 LTS. Ubuntu GNOME is an official flavour of Ubuntu, featuring the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu GNOME is a mostly pure GNOME desktop experience built from the Ubuntu repositories. This is our very first long-term support (LTS) version. Features: Most of GNOME 3.10 is now included, the few missing bits of 3.10 are available in PPA; with GNOME 3.10 comes enhanced support for online accounts, and some general optimization of the user interface; a set of 10 new high-quality wallpapers are included; GNOME Classic session is included...." Read the brief release announcement and visit the detailed release notes for further information and screenshots. Download: ubuntu-gnome-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (923MB, SHA256, torrent).


Jonathan Riddell has announced the release of Kubuntu 14.04, a new version of the desktop Linux distribution shipping with the shiny new KDE 4.13.0: "Welcome to Kubuntu 14.04 LTS, a brand new long-term supported version with the latest KDE software to enjoy. Long-term support means that bug fixes and security updates will be added for the next 5 years, so you can be safe to use it until 2019. New releases of important KDE software will also be available from the Kubuntu Updates and Kubuntu Backports PPAs. Software highlights: the KDE Applications and Platform 4.13 release introduces a greatly improved semantic search as well as stabilization and improvements in key applications like Okular; Mozilla Firefox 28 as default web browser; Muon Suite 2.2 brings additional improvements to our Software Center applications...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a full list of features and screenshots. Download: kubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,017MB, SHA256, torrent).


Edubuntu 14.04, the latest version of an official Ubuntu variant designed primarily for educational and non-profit environments, has been released: "The Edubuntu development team announces today the release of Edubuntu 14.04 LTS. As the second long-term support release of the Edubuntu, this version will be supported for 5 years, until April 2019. The Edubuntu development team will also provide 'point releases' in sync with Ubuntu to offer new installation media containing all the latest bug fixes and hardware enablement stacks. As usual, Edubuntu inherits most of the changes that occur in Ubuntu. Additionally, this release brings you: Epoptes 0.5.7, an update to the popular classroom management software suite; new major version of LTSP (5.5.x), including numerous bug fixes, speed improvement, lowering bandwidth requirements and improving fat client support." See the release announcement for more details. Download: edubuntu-14.04-dvd-amd64.iso (2,976MB, SHA256, torrent).


Ubuntu Kylin is an official flavour of Ubuntu developed specially for users in China and, unlike other official variants, generously promoted on the Ubuntu website. What's new in version 14.04? "In this final release, the Linux kernel is upgraded to 3.13 and Unity is upgraded to 7.2. Specifically designed for efficient Chinese input, 14.04 LTS uses the Sogou Input Method, a typing tool that provides intelligent predictive search and auto-completion. Sogou, combined with the Kingsoft WPS office suite, makes Ubuntu Kylin 14.04 LTS even faster and easier to use when creating documents and browsing the web. The new release also includes Kingsoft Kuaipan, the cloud file synchronising application, which offers a maximum of 2 TB personal cloud storage." Read the release announcement (in Chinese) and the release notes (in English, with screenshots) for further information. Download: ubuntukylin-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,086MB, SHA256, torrent).

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